The wanderings and discoveries of an independent philosopher - a Free Will with a big heart, if I say so myself.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Practise Maketh Perfection
So……currently I am experimenting with Windows Live Writer. Apparently, they tell me, I can create multimedia blog entries with this and publish them straight to my blogs.
Blogger apparently will only accept pictures which are already stored on the internet, like this one on Flickr:
However, I will now try one more attempt to include a picture straight from my computer:
Nope. I‘ve tried to set it up so the picture gets published on Flickr then imported from there into the Blog but so far Windows Live doesn’t recognised Flickr as running an FTP server. Personally I think the instructions given by Writer to new users are far too complex, not yet user-friendly. I never asked to be a Programmer!
What about a map?
Nope, that doesn’t work either. There’s the rub with these wonderful new technologies. Sometimes you’re kept so busy figuring out how to use them that you stop publishing fresh material altogether!
I’ll be back!
100228 Trial Run
100228 Trial Run
Originally uploaded by Will Smile
This reminds me of Dad's "shortcuts" when we were out for family rambles when I was a kid. Sometimes they're twice as long as the "long way round"!
Connecting Blogger with Windows Live Spaces
Man, it sure takes a lot of time to keep up with all the new technology but I’ll get there eventually.
I hope!
Man, I’ve got so many passwords to remember now!God Knows!
God knows it's true.
God knows there ain't anybody
Ever gonna take the place of you.
God knows it's a struggle,
God knows it's a crime,
God knows there's gonna be no more water
But fire next time.
Bridge #1:
God didn't call it treason,
God didn't call it wrong,
It was supposed to last a season
But it's been so strong for so long.
God knows it's fragile,
God knows everything,
God knows it could snap apart right now
Just like putting scissors to a string.
Bridge #2:
God knows it's terrifying,
God sees it all unfold,
There's a million reasons for you to be crying
You been so bold and so cold.
God knows that when you see it,
God knows you've got to weep,
God knows the secrets of your heart,
He'll tell them to you when you're asleep.
God knows there's a river,
God knows how to make it flow,
God knows you ain't gonna be taking
Nothing with you when you go.
God knows there's a purpose,
God knows there's a chance,
God knows you can rise above the darkest hour
Of any circumstance.
God knows there's a heaven,
God knows it's out of sight,
God knows we can get all the way from here to there
Even if we've got to walk a million miles by candlelight.

About Me

- Professor Smile
- Professor Emeritus (Camster, Oxon) in Cannabinology, Erotology, Serendipity Para-Temporal Levitics, Media Arts & Celtic Zen Love Magic (ie: Tripping). I'm currently trying to connect all my internet material into one organic system - or "something like that". Oh, what larks!