The wanderings and discoveries of an independent philosopher - a Free Will with a big heart, if I say so myself.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

It Is Done! The End.

Watch Professor Smile's Farewell Part 1 in People & Blogs View More Free Videos Online at

Watch Professor Smile's Farewell Part 2 in People & Blogs View More Free Videos Online at

So, It Is Finished. No More. The martyr pulls the knife out of his back and runs away!

The character is dead, but the Smile goes on forever!

1 comment:

Michael said...

And so, as with all endings, we can begin again - unless we're dead and loving it.

About Me

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Professor Emeritus (Camster, Oxon) in Cannabinology, Erotology, Serendipity Para-Temporal Levitics, Media Arts & Celtic Zen Love Magic (ie: Tripping). I'm currently trying to connect all my internet material into one organic system - or "something like that". Oh, what larks!