The wanderings and discoveries of an independent philosopher - a Free Will with a big heart, if I say so myself.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

It Is Done! The End.

Watch Professor Smile's Farewell Part 1 in People & Blogs View More Free Videos Online at

Watch Professor Smile's Farewell Part 2 in People & Blogs View More Free Videos Online at

So, It Is Finished. No More. The martyr pulls the knife out of his back and runs away!

The character is dead, but the Smile goes on forever!

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Preparing For The End. And Transfiguration.

Dear oh dear,
What a complex task, when Google has a much clearer picture than I do of all my internet material, to sort out my past from my future with a distinct division. My Professor Smile character (and its aliases) are being terminated. I am seeking to debrief before I go and then work on entirely new goals and purposes.
I mistakenly published all this data on my past conflicts on the profile for my new character, after sitting up hours last night writing it.
It was only online 14 hours so I hope none of my potential new friends saw it, so I do not infect my new life with what killed this one.

So it is here, where I will publish the rest of the Professor's swansong and obituary:

I have been a Playboy Philosopher and independent undercover intelligence operative. I have done my best to introduce improvements in our society using what my research discovered and encourage others to copy me without being noticed as a leader or celebrity. My efforts to catalyze widespread recognition of the true effects and benefits of marijuana threatened the organised criminal empires controlling illicit drugs, government, media, police, etc, so my character was destroyed by false incrimination as a sex offender, leaving me in an isolated vulnerable social position. I have completely abandoned all former 'revolutionary' activism, since I can find no one honest and courageous enough to help me correct the injustice and damage to my life. Therefore, I have retired, hoping to spend some years gently sharing what knowledge I have acquired about getting the best out of life with those decent people around me. No matter what disgusting lies are circulated about me by those currently 'respectably' holding power I know without doubt I have always been an ethical honest person who simply seeks to increase the love in this world, co-operating with other decent people so we can all share the best of what is available and possible for us in this life. I recognize now that my earlier outrageously exhibitionist defiance of authority I perceived to be corrupt invited those I was threatening to expose to take drastic covert actions to silence me. My unique psychological profile has been traced (by me) to the conflicts I had since puberty with an over-protective dominant mother who misguidedly sought to avoid attack and disgrace for herself and me by constant erosion of my confidence intended to produce a quiet, submissive citizen who attracts no attention. It was she who called the Police in on my brother Alistair (died 1991) and I to stop us 'getting into bad trouble'. Till she died she refused to recognize that until that point, although our flamboyant international activities to stimulate more courageous public circulation of the true personal and social benefits of using marijuana with the discipline of a rational practical philosophy such as Buddhism had threatened and angered many in 'high places' whose control over the masses would be questioned or overthrown if many achieved similar enlightenments, courage and outspokenness as ourselves (yes, this includes MI6, top Freemasons, Privy Councilors, TV Program Controllers and respected senior City businessmen who even in the 80s financed multi-million shipments of heroin and cocaine with 'invisible' money siphoned from their prestigious businesses) until Mum called the cops with her worries about us planning heroin shipments into the UK, they could find no excuse to come into our lives or interrupt our activities, VIP Services.
Anyway, the greatest flaw in my own character was my occasional resort to alcohol when I could not get marijuana and my 'enemies' had managed to inhibit my activities to the point of depression. Even worse was when I hastily created and published written and video material while I was drunk. The alcohol may have broken the inhibitions on my anger so I rose from near-surrender depression into courageous defiant direct action intended to expose the corruption opposing me. However, judgment is always impaired when drunk. It was rash to name specific police, lawyers and social workers and their 'crimes' against me while still living in a vulnerable social position in an area controlled by them, where they have a network of invisible connections (such as MAPPA which, like Google, seeks to gather together and circulate, all details of a person's activities, with a view to exercising complete control over his future). While drunk I thought my obvious courage and straight-shooting truth would win me a gathering of supporters from the younger brighter intellectuals and artists currently discovering real cannabis and thus becoming more aware of what's unnecessarily wrong in our society and what activities they might pursue to rectify these problems. No, while the younger folk may have found my ranting amusing, my revelations of the dirty tactics used against me and my failure to find anyone within 'the system' willing to stand by me just showed them how dangerous it is to risk one's career, pension and personal safety defending truth against corruption that extends well above their heads that could only be ousted by revolution which will now never come, since there is now no 'counter-culture' of protest, since all notable potential 'leaders' and activists have either sold out (got to feed and clothe the kids) or, like myself, been neutralized through character assassination and disgrace. I should have withdrawn from the pro-cannabis lobby at the same time as Rosie Boycott, Paul McCartney, Richard Branson and Anita Ruddick. If such notables as these, with their resources, influence and social support, just went silent forever on the subject, never expressing a word to explain their surrender of formerly strongly expressed opinions, I should have deduced what serious influence was invisibly brought to bear on them. How clever it was of our 'Intelligence'-informed government and police authorities not to tackle me in open public debate about cannabis, since that might have propelled me rapidly upwards in popularity and support among the millions of secretive marjuanists who know the official arguments against this ancient inspirational entheogen and medicine are willful lying propaganda.
Enough. The paranoia stops here. I acknowledge I was wrong to say cannabis is a good thing. It is obviously evil and criminal if my life has come down to its current position.
However, those in Whitehall or wherever who compile data, analyze alternative scenarios and compose long-term strategy for our confused nation, get my admiration for the brilliance with which they planned how to identify and permanently neutralize all like myself, enemies of the State who might generate dissent. The extensive new laws to deal with 'Terrorists' and 'Sex Offenders', with all their additional regulations, such as MAPPA, give the state and police unprecedented powers the full ramifications of which even the press don't seem to have recognized. After covert surveillance, any selected target can be charged and convicted on serious charges based on allegations by witnesses who may never be publicly identified. Evidence may be presented as found on his computer or premises that he has never seen until in court. 'Experts' in the form of psychiatrists and social workers can select from his life history, medical records and their own 'educated' opinions to produce reports presenting a profile of a dangerous disturbed individual who poses a great danger to "society". It is hard to present much of a defense while on remand in a brutal prison where disgusting unproven rumours come into circulation from nowhere causing attacks and death threats, while family and friends withdraw in fear and witnesses who could support one's character are confused by the disgusting nature of the charges. Most defence lawyers know the outcome is already certain before the arrest. If Legal Aid is given, the Duty Solicitor appointed may be specially selected by the Crown Service and the case brought before a judge likely to ensure the desired result.
Another brilliant device developed to perfection over the last 10 years is the almost universal acceptance amongst lawyers and social workers of the apparently fully researched and proven pseudo-scientific psychiatric concept 'denial'. The accused is either lying or he is so horrified by his own crimes he has repressed his memories and refuses to confront his guilt. Therefore, anyone who says he didn't do it is in denial, and arguing against the evidence just proves he is guilty. It also means that if he doesn't express shame and remorse he must be kept away from society as he has no internal check to stop him doing the same thing again at the first opportunity.
Imagine the sinking feeling in my stomach last time I was arrested on false charges and at my bail application hearing I hear the defense lawyer costing me £180 per hour telling the Judge 'my client was in denial at the time...'. Bail refused, off for another 103 days remand before trial (where the jury took 5 minutes to agree Not Guilty!)
After conviction, apart from the punishment, MAPPA know all your details. Address, activities, friends, medical treatment, bank accounts, email (and thus IP, so all computer activity can be monitored). Police can visit at any time without warning. As I discovered in Glasgow in 2008 MAPPA Police monitoring my behaviour to prevent re-offending (touching nurses sexually while unconscious after collapsing in the street, allegedly) watched my YouTube videos and found I had published evidence of police harassment and 'framing' over 4 years. On the grounds that in a couple of videos I appeared to be smoking 'joints' they persuaded Google to delete my whole accounts as 'depicting drug abuse'. This is them protecting the public from me repeating sexual offences! They have also now given themselves the rights, without any Act of Parliament adding it to the Law, if they 'consider it necessary in the interests of public protection' to inform my employer, landlord or neighbours I am a sex offender, without telling me they are doing so. As you can imagine, this puts one's life in danger of sudden attack from crazy vigilantes hearing a distorted rumour and imagining the worst, although all they know from direct observation is an unusual but decent old man polite to all and offending no-one.
Needless to say, whatever one was working on that attracted all this cruel treatment is derailed forever. Ones good character will never be restored. Any controversial campaign or social issue one was arguing will be discredited at first mention. Not by reasoning or refutation with evidence but simply by the type of sensational scandal that fills the gutter press daily.
I didn't intend to write this here, but with Google busily linking up all my web data whether I like it or not, it would get to you wherever I put it.
Anyway, apart from all the frightening details of the many illegal and corrupt actions against me in the last 8 years, which I now realize will never be corrected or even admitted, that is the very worst aspects of my life so far. Everything else is good and I would be proud to share. Although I will shortly appear again before the very same judge I very stupidly bad-mouthed on YouTube while drunk and it is certain my life and confidence will sustain more serious damage of one kind or another, I am now completely disconnecting from my past and making a fresh start. I do not use cannabis. It will not be legalized. No spokesman in support of marijuana will receive much popularity or respect for many years. Professor Nutt was the last to question Government policy on it and he was instantly booted out.
So now I've retired.
I don't owe anyone anything. The rest of my life is mine. I will help, entertain and love whoever wants and deserves my attention.

About Me

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Professor Emeritus (Camster, Oxon) in Cannabinology, Erotology, Serendipity Para-Temporal Levitics, Media Arts & Celtic Zen Love Magic (ie: Tripping). I'm currently trying to connect all my internet material into one organic system - or "something like that". Oh, what larks!