The wanderings and discoveries of an independent philosopher - a Free Will with a big heart, if I say so myself.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

It Is Done! The End.

Watch Professor Smile's Farewell Part 1 in People & Blogs View More Free Videos Online at

Watch Professor Smile's Farewell Part 2 in People & Blogs View More Free Videos Online at

So, It Is Finished. No More. The martyr pulls the knife out of his back and runs away!

The character is dead, but the Smile goes on forever!

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Preparing For The End. And Transfiguration.

Dear oh dear,
What a complex task, when Google has a much clearer picture than I do of all my internet material, to sort out my past from my future with a distinct division. My Professor Smile character (and its aliases) are being terminated. I am seeking to debrief before I go and then work on entirely new goals and purposes.
I mistakenly published all this data on my past conflicts on the profile for my new character, after sitting up hours last night writing it.
It was only online 14 hours so I hope none of my potential new friends saw it, so I do not infect my new life with what killed this one.

So it is here, where I will publish the rest of the Professor's swansong and obituary:

I have been a Playboy Philosopher and independent undercover intelligence operative. I have done my best to introduce improvements in our society using what my research discovered and encourage others to copy me without being noticed as a leader or celebrity. My efforts to catalyze widespread recognition of the true effects and benefits of marijuana threatened the organised criminal empires controlling illicit drugs, government, media, police, etc, so my character was destroyed by false incrimination as a sex offender, leaving me in an isolated vulnerable social position. I have completely abandoned all former 'revolutionary' activism, since I can find no one honest and courageous enough to help me correct the injustice and damage to my life. Therefore, I have retired, hoping to spend some years gently sharing what knowledge I have acquired about getting the best out of life with those decent people around me. No matter what disgusting lies are circulated about me by those currently 'respectably' holding power I know without doubt I have always been an ethical honest person who simply seeks to increase the love in this world, co-operating with other decent people so we can all share the best of what is available and possible for us in this life. I recognize now that my earlier outrageously exhibitionist defiance of authority I perceived to be corrupt invited those I was threatening to expose to take drastic covert actions to silence me. My unique psychological profile has been traced (by me) to the conflicts I had since puberty with an over-protective dominant mother who misguidedly sought to avoid attack and disgrace for herself and me by constant erosion of my confidence intended to produce a quiet, submissive citizen who attracts no attention. It was she who called the Police in on my brother Alistair (died 1991) and I to stop us 'getting into bad trouble'. Till she died she refused to recognize that until that point, although our flamboyant international activities to stimulate more courageous public circulation of the true personal and social benefits of using marijuana with the discipline of a rational practical philosophy such as Buddhism had threatened and angered many in 'high places' whose control over the masses would be questioned or overthrown if many achieved similar enlightenments, courage and outspokenness as ourselves (yes, this includes MI6, top Freemasons, Privy Councilors, TV Program Controllers and respected senior City businessmen who even in the 80s financed multi-million shipments of heroin and cocaine with 'invisible' money siphoned from their prestigious businesses) until Mum called the cops with her worries about us planning heroin shipments into the UK, they could find no excuse to come into our lives or interrupt our activities, VIP Services.
Anyway, the greatest flaw in my own character was my occasional resort to alcohol when I could not get marijuana and my 'enemies' had managed to inhibit my activities to the point of depression. Even worse was when I hastily created and published written and video material while I was drunk. The alcohol may have broken the inhibitions on my anger so I rose from near-surrender depression into courageous defiant direct action intended to expose the corruption opposing me. However, judgment is always impaired when drunk. It was rash to name specific police, lawyers and social workers and their 'crimes' against me while still living in a vulnerable social position in an area controlled by them, where they have a network of invisible connections (such as MAPPA which, like Google, seeks to gather together and circulate, all details of a person's activities, with a view to exercising complete control over his future). While drunk I thought my obvious courage and straight-shooting truth would win me a gathering of supporters from the younger brighter intellectuals and artists currently discovering real cannabis and thus becoming more aware of what's unnecessarily wrong in our society and what activities they might pursue to rectify these problems. No, while the younger folk may have found my ranting amusing, my revelations of the dirty tactics used against me and my failure to find anyone within 'the system' willing to stand by me just showed them how dangerous it is to risk one's career, pension and personal safety defending truth against corruption that extends well above their heads that could only be ousted by revolution which will now never come, since there is now no 'counter-culture' of protest, since all notable potential 'leaders' and activists have either sold out (got to feed and clothe the kids) or, like myself, been neutralized through character assassination and disgrace. I should have withdrawn from the pro-cannabis lobby at the same time as Rosie Boycott, Paul McCartney, Richard Branson and Anita Ruddick. If such notables as these, with their resources, influence and social support, just went silent forever on the subject, never expressing a word to explain their surrender of formerly strongly expressed opinions, I should have deduced what serious influence was invisibly brought to bear on them. How clever it was of our 'Intelligence'-informed government and police authorities not to tackle me in open public debate about cannabis, since that might have propelled me rapidly upwards in popularity and support among the millions of secretive marjuanists who know the official arguments against this ancient inspirational entheogen and medicine are willful lying propaganda.
Enough. The paranoia stops here. I acknowledge I was wrong to say cannabis is a good thing. It is obviously evil and criminal if my life has come down to its current position.
However, those in Whitehall or wherever who compile data, analyze alternative scenarios and compose long-term strategy for our confused nation, get my admiration for the brilliance with which they planned how to identify and permanently neutralize all like myself, enemies of the State who might generate dissent. The extensive new laws to deal with 'Terrorists' and 'Sex Offenders', with all their additional regulations, such as MAPPA, give the state and police unprecedented powers the full ramifications of which even the press don't seem to have recognized. After covert surveillance, any selected target can be charged and convicted on serious charges based on allegations by witnesses who may never be publicly identified. Evidence may be presented as found on his computer or premises that he has never seen until in court. 'Experts' in the form of psychiatrists and social workers can select from his life history, medical records and their own 'educated' opinions to produce reports presenting a profile of a dangerous disturbed individual who poses a great danger to "society". It is hard to present much of a defense while on remand in a brutal prison where disgusting unproven rumours come into circulation from nowhere causing attacks and death threats, while family and friends withdraw in fear and witnesses who could support one's character are confused by the disgusting nature of the charges. Most defence lawyers know the outcome is already certain before the arrest. If Legal Aid is given, the Duty Solicitor appointed may be specially selected by the Crown Service and the case brought before a judge likely to ensure the desired result.
Another brilliant device developed to perfection over the last 10 years is the almost universal acceptance amongst lawyers and social workers of the apparently fully researched and proven pseudo-scientific psychiatric concept 'denial'. The accused is either lying or he is so horrified by his own crimes he has repressed his memories and refuses to confront his guilt. Therefore, anyone who says he didn't do it is in denial, and arguing against the evidence just proves he is guilty. It also means that if he doesn't express shame and remorse he must be kept away from society as he has no internal check to stop him doing the same thing again at the first opportunity.
Imagine the sinking feeling in my stomach last time I was arrested on false charges and at my bail application hearing I hear the defense lawyer costing me £180 per hour telling the Judge 'my client was in denial at the time...'. Bail refused, off for another 103 days remand before trial (where the jury took 5 minutes to agree Not Guilty!)
After conviction, apart from the punishment, MAPPA know all your details. Address, activities, friends, medical treatment, bank accounts, email (and thus IP, so all computer activity can be monitored). Police can visit at any time without warning. As I discovered in Glasgow in 2008 MAPPA Police monitoring my behaviour to prevent re-offending (touching nurses sexually while unconscious after collapsing in the street, allegedly) watched my YouTube videos and found I had published evidence of police harassment and 'framing' over 4 years. On the grounds that in a couple of videos I appeared to be smoking 'joints' they persuaded Google to delete my whole accounts as 'depicting drug abuse'. This is them protecting the public from me repeating sexual offences! They have also now given themselves the rights, without any Act of Parliament adding it to the Law, if they 'consider it necessary in the interests of public protection' to inform my employer, landlord or neighbours I am a sex offender, without telling me they are doing so. As you can imagine, this puts one's life in danger of sudden attack from crazy vigilantes hearing a distorted rumour and imagining the worst, although all they know from direct observation is an unusual but decent old man polite to all and offending no-one.
Needless to say, whatever one was working on that attracted all this cruel treatment is derailed forever. Ones good character will never be restored. Any controversial campaign or social issue one was arguing will be discredited at first mention. Not by reasoning or refutation with evidence but simply by the type of sensational scandal that fills the gutter press daily.
I didn't intend to write this here, but with Google busily linking up all my web data whether I like it or not, it would get to you wherever I put it.
Anyway, apart from all the frightening details of the many illegal and corrupt actions against me in the last 8 years, which I now realize will never be corrected or even admitted, that is the very worst aspects of my life so far. Everything else is good and I would be proud to share. Although I will shortly appear again before the very same judge I very stupidly bad-mouthed on YouTube while drunk and it is certain my life and confidence will sustain more serious damage of one kind or another, I am now completely disconnecting from my past and making a fresh start. I do not use cannabis. It will not be legalized. No spokesman in support of marijuana will receive much popularity or respect for many years. Professor Nutt was the last to question Government policy on it and he was instantly booted out.
So now I've retired.
I don't owe anyone anything. The rest of my life is mine. I will help, entertain and love whoever wants and deserves my attention.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hasty Update

These days I seem to spend all my time learning how to use new software, never fully catching up though thanks to extremely user-friendly help/user guides I grasp stuff lightning fast until I’m so tired I have to go to bed. This is all because I want to believe I am using the best possible communication resources and skills for publishing and getting across my most important material.
Golly, Jings, Crikey,

At the same time the great injustices and attacks which have almost destroyed my life and health in recent years not only go uncorrected but are being added to each day, with indications of huge additions being added in a couple of weeks. It seems my enemies consider the best way to deal with my complaints is to silence me completely, then bury my name with false disgusting allegations (presented of course as “fact”), so no-one will ever care to look for the truth.

This threat causes almost paralyzing panic, made more frantic when considering the apparent impossibility of exposing and countering corruption and lies developed over 7 years by ‘respectable’ authorities, not just at least 20 police & 10 social workers, but also the Crown’s legal agent, the Procurator-Fiscal. When those pretending to be my ‘defence’ lawyers have been co-operating with them against my interest, and when all of these people can deny my complaints as paranoid imaginings or ‘denial’ of my own criminality, how can I hope to deal with it alone? How can I find a fully honest lawyer who has the guts to go up against corruption of unknown dimensions? Especially when he/she sees what has been done to me.

For example, the Procurator Fiscal and the Police officers who arrested me on false charges last May, dropped in September, intend to wipe clean my hard-drives before returning my HD laptop, HD camcorder and 1TB storage hard-drive. There is no law referred to, nothing criminal on any of my hard drives, indeed nothing in any way related to the charges I was arrested on. What I know they object to is the video recordings of the same 2 police harassing me in my home last spring, plus a video I made giving a very clear explanation of the harassment and false incrimination I have been subjected to in Strathclyde since returning to Scotland in 2001. I do believe they also object to the many videos I made on the subject of marijuana since 1986, the majority of them as ‘Will Smile’ in Glastonbury during 2000/2001. The character is cool, clear, intelligent and obviously honest, much more likely to be accepted and believed any younger folk than any spokesman for the London Lie Factory.

Anyway, all I really wanted to note is this rapidly approaching deadline enforces an urgent shift of priority from learning how to use the media on to communicating my important information now using whatever imperfect skills I have.

Errm, maybe one exception. If it doesn’t take more than say 12 hours, I want to learn how to stream video live on the web, so you can watch it on your Windows Media Player. Just to satisfy my ambition of many years, to have my own independent TV channel.

Maybe here or here or here. Or, if I can rapidly grasp HTML etc, I might embed the TV player in my Windows LIVE Spaces Blog. Or.............

My TV channel host?

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Going Back To Court

I am just a little worried. In just under 3 weeks time I must appear again before the same Sheriff in Glasgow who entirely failed to hear my case properly two years ago, which led to those two years turning into a raving fucking nightmare, including 8 months in Barlinnie plus a cost of £25,000 plus all my possessions. Oh well, we've got to assume he can do a better job and get it right this time. I hope he's been told the video I posted a year ago on YouTube in which I called him an ignorant cunt, has since been withdrawn.
If he gets it wrong this time I swear I'll destroy his reputation forever before I leave the scene.
So, please do your homework properly this time, McFarlane. A bent copper or inefficient social worker is exactly that. An innocent man is an innocent man. Just because I spent 20 years working to publish the truth about cannabis does not prove me either insane, anti-social or criminal. Do your research and get it fucking right for a change.
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And just because I've got a sense of humour does not mean I'll easily accept being victim of any more injustice. I would rather kill in vengeance and deny it as murder.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Hey there

Originally uploaded by Will Smile
I should be getting video-active again very soon. Hopefully, once I sort out learning issues, in HD!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Serendipity - My Repeated Saviour

Serendipity is the effect by which one accidentally stumbles upon something fortunate, especially while looking for something entirely unrelated. The word has been voted as one of the ten English words that were hardest to translate in June 2004 by a British translation company.[1] However, due to its sociological use, the word has been imported into many other languages.[2]

The intended subject of the photograph was a perched Black-crowned Night Heron; the photographer discovered later that the image serendipitously included a Pileated Woodpecker.

The word derives from Serendip, the Persian name for Sri Lanka. The Persian word itself has been derived from Sanskrit name for Sri Lanka viz. Swarnadweep (Swarna meaning golden and Dweep meaning island) [3] and was coined by Horace Walpole on 28 January 1754 in a letter he wrote to his friend Horace Mann (not to be confused with the famed American educator, see Horace Mann), an Englishman then living in Florence. The letter read,

"It was once when I read a silly fairy tale, called The Three Princes of Serendip: as their highnesses traveled, they were always making discoveries, by accidents and sagacity, of things which they were not in quest of: for instance, one of them discovered that a camel blind of the right eye had traveled the same road lately, because the grass was eaten only on the left side, where it was worse than on the right—now do you understandserendipity? One of the most remarkable instances of this accidental sagacity (for you must observe that no discovery of a thing you are looking for, comes under this description) was of my Lord Shaftsbury, who happening to dine at Lord Chancellor Clarendon's, found out the marriage of the Duke of York and Mrs. Hyde, by the respect with which her mother treated her at table.

Role in science, technology and life

One aspect of Walpole's original definition of serendipity that is often missed in modern discussions of the word is the "sagacity" of being able to link together apparently innocuous facts to come to a valuable conclusion. Thus, while some scientists and inventors are reluctant about reporting accidental discoveries, others openly admit its role; in fact serendipity is a major component of scientific discoveries and inventions. According to M.K. Stoskopf[5] "it should be recognized that serendipitous discoveries are of significant value in the advancement of science and often present the foundation for important intellectual leaps of understanding".

The amount of contribution of serendipitous discoveries varies extensively among the several scientific disciplines. Pharmacology and chemistry are probably the fields where serendipity is more common.

Most authors who have studied scientific serendipity both in a historical, as well as in an epistemological point of view, agree that a prepared and open mind is required on the part of the scientist or inventor to detect the importance of information revealed accidentally. This is the reason why most of the related accidental discoveries occur in the field of specialization of the scientist. About this, Albert Hofmann, the Swiss chemist who discovered LSD properties by unintentionally ingesting it at his lab, wrote

It is true that my discovery of LSD was a chance discovery, but it was the outcome of planned experiments and these experiments took place in the framework of systematic pharmaceutical, chemical research. It could better be described as serendipity.

The French scientist Louis Pasteur also famously said: "In the fields of observation chance favors only the prepared mind."[6] This is often rendered as "Chance favors the prepared mind." William Shakespeare expressed the same sentiment 250 years earlier in act 4 of his play Henry V: "All things are ready if our minds be so."

History, of course, does not record accidental exposures of information which could have resulted in a new discovery, and we are justified in suspecting that they are many. There are several examples of this, however, and prejudice of preformed concepts is probably the largest obstacle. See for example [1] for a case where this happened (the rejection of an accidental discovery in the field of self-stimulation of the limbic system in humans).

Examples in science and technology


M. E. Graebner describes serendipitous value in the context of the acquisition of a business as "windfalls that were not anticipated by the buyer prior to the deal": i.e., unexpected advantages or benefits incurred due to positive synergy effects of the merger. Ikujiro Nonaka (1991,p.94 November-December issue of HBR) points out that the serendipitous quality of innovation is highly recognized by managers and links the success of Japanese enterprises to their ability to create knowledge not by processing information but rather by "tapping the tacit and often highly subjective insights, intuitions, and hunches of individual employees and making those insights available for testing and use by the company as a whole".



  • Penicillin by Alexander Fleming. He failed to disinfect cultures of bacteria when leaving for his vacations, only to find them contaminated with Penicillium molds, which killed the bacteria. However, he had previously done extensive research into antibacterial substances.
  • The psychedelic effects of LSD by Albert Hofmann. A chemist, he unintentionally absorbed a small amount of it upon investigating its properties, and had the first acid trip in history, while cycling to his home in Switzerland; this is commemorated among LSD users annually as Bicycle Day.
  • 5-fluorouracil's therapeutic action on actinic keratosis, was initially investigated for its anti-cancer actions
  • Minoxidil's action on baldness; originally it was an oral agent for treating hypertension. It was observed that bald patients treated with it grew hair too.
  • Viagra (sildenafil citrate), an anti-impotence drug. It was initially studied for use in hypertension and angina pectoris. Phase I clinical trials under the direction of Ian Osterloh suggested that the drug had little effect on angina, but that it could induce marked penileerections.
  • Retin-A anti-wrinkle action. It was a vitamin A derivative first used for treating acne. The accidental result in some older people was a reduction of wrinkles on the face
  • The libido-enhancing effect of l-dopa, a drug used for treating Parkinson's disease. Older patients in a sanatorium had their long-lost interest in sex suddenly revived.
  • The first benzodiazepine, chlordiazepoxide (Librium) was discovered accidentally in 1954 by the Austrian scientist Dr Leo Sternbach (1908–2005), who found the substance while cleaning up his lab.[citation needed] Sternbach's personal account, quoted on the discussion pages, makes it clear that the discovery of the benzodiazepines was at most fortuitous but certainly not serendipitous. This example should be removed. See Discussion Pages.
  • The first anti-psychotic drug, chlorpromazine, was discovered by French pharmacologist Henri Laborit. He wanted to add an anti-histaminic to a pharmacological combination to prevent surgical shock and noticed that patients treated with it were unusually calm before the operation.
  • The anti-cancer drug cisplatin was discovered by Barnett Rosenberg. He wanted to explore what he thought was an inhibitory effect of an electric field on the growth of bacteria. It was rather due to an electrolysis product of the platinum electrode he was using.
  • The anesthetic nitrous oxide (laughing gas). Initially well known for inducing altered behavior (hilarity), its properties were discovered when British chemist Humphry Davy tested the gas on himself and some of his friends, and soon realised that nitrous oxide considerably dulled the sensation of pain, even if the inhaler was still semi-conscious.
  • The anesthetic ether.[citation needed] Several doctors (Long, Morgan and others) knew of the properties of ether and INDEPENDENTLY introduced its use in their surgeries. The discovery of ether as an anesthetic was NOT serendipitous. This example should be removed. See Discussion Pages.
  • Mustine – a derivative of mustard gas (a chemical weapon), used for the treatment of some forms of cancer. In 1943, physicians noted that the white cell counts of US soldiers, accidentally exposed when a cache of mustard gas shells were bombed in Bari, Italy, decreased, and mustard gas was investigated as a therapy for Hodgkin's lymphoma.
  • The first oral contraceptive (a.k.a. The Pill) was discovered by Dr. Carl Djerassi accidental production of synthetic progesterone and its intentional modification to allow for oral intake.[citation needed] The development of oral contraceptives by Syntex was a deliberate, collaborative research program and in no way serendipitous. This example should be removed. See Discussion Pages.
  • Prontosil, an antibiotic of the sulfa group was an azo dye. German chemists at Bayer had the wrong idea that selective chemical stains of bacteria would show specific antibacterial activity. Prontosil had it, but in fact it was due to another substance metabolised from it in the body, sulfanilimide.

Medicine and Biology

Physics and Astronomy


The chocolate chip cookie was invented through serendipity

Serendipitous ideas

Some ideas and concepts that came to scientists through accidents or even dreams are also considered a kind of serendipity. Some examples (coincidentally all are regarded with suspicion by science historians):

Examples in exploration

Stories of accidental discovery in exploration abound, of course, because the aim of exploration is to find new things and places. The principle of serendipity applies here, however, when the explorer had one aim in mind and found another unexpectedly. In addition, discoveries have been made by people simply attempting to reach a known destination but who departed from the customary or intended route for a variety of reasons. Some classical cases were discoveries of the Americas by explorers with other aims.

Uses of serendipity

Serendipity is used as a sociological method in Anselm L. Strauss' and Barney G. Glaser's Grounded Theory, building on ideas by sociologist Robert K. Merton, who in Social Theory and Social Structure (1949) referred to the "serendipity pattern" as the fairly common experience of observing an unanticipated, anomalous and strategic datum which becomes the occasion for developing a new theory or for extending an existing theory. Robert K. Merton also coauthored (with Elinor Barber) The Travels and Adventures of Serendipity(Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2003), which traces the origins and uses of the word "serendipity" since it was coined. The book is "a study in sociological semantics and the sociology of science", as the subtitle of the book declares. It further develops the idea of serendipity as scientific "method" (as juxtaposed with purposeful discovery by experiment or retrospective prophecy).

Related terms

William Boyd coined the term zemblanity to mean somewhat the opposite of serendipity: "making unhappy, unlucky and expected discoveries occurring by design".[9] It derives from Novaya Zemlya (or Nova Zembla), a cold, barren land with many features opposite to the lush Sri Lanka (Serendip). On this island Willem Barents and his crew were stranded while searching for a new route to the east.

Bahramdipity is derived directly from Bahram Gur as characterized in the "Three Princes of Serendip". It describes the suppression of serendipitous discoveries or research results by powerful individuals.[10]

About Me

My photo
Professor Emeritus (Camster, Oxon) in Cannabinology, Erotology, Serendipity Para-Temporal Levitics, Media Arts & Celtic Zen Love Magic (ie: Tripping). I'm currently trying to connect all my internet material into one organic system - or "something like that". Oh, what larks!