The wanderings and discoveries of an independent philosopher - a Free Will with a big heart, if I say so myself.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hasty Update

These days I seem to spend all my time learning how to use new software, never fully catching up though thanks to extremely user-friendly help/user guides I grasp stuff lightning fast until I’m so tired I have to go to bed. This is all because I want to believe I am using the best possible communication resources and skills for publishing and getting across my most important material.
Golly, Jings, Crikey,

At the same time the great injustices and attacks which have almost destroyed my life and health in recent years not only go uncorrected but are being added to each day, with indications of huge additions being added in a couple of weeks. It seems my enemies consider the best way to deal with my complaints is to silence me completely, then bury my name with false disgusting allegations (presented of course as “fact”), so no-one will ever care to look for the truth.

This threat causes almost paralyzing panic, made more frantic when considering the apparent impossibility of exposing and countering corruption and lies developed over 7 years by ‘respectable’ authorities, not just at least 20 police & 10 social workers, but also the Crown’s legal agent, the Procurator-Fiscal. When those pretending to be my ‘defence’ lawyers have been co-operating with them against my interest, and when all of these people can deny my complaints as paranoid imaginings or ‘denial’ of my own criminality, how can I hope to deal with it alone? How can I find a fully honest lawyer who has the guts to go up against corruption of unknown dimensions? Especially when he/she sees what has been done to me.

For example, the Procurator Fiscal and the Police officers who arrested me on false charges last May, dropped in September, intend to wipe clean my hard-drives before returning my HD laptop, HD camcorder and 1TB storage hard-drive. There is no law referred to, nothing criminal on any of my hard drives, indeed nothing in any way related to the charges I was arrested on. What I know they object to is the video recordings of the same 2 police harassing me in my home last spring, plus a video I made giving a very clear explanation of the harassment and false incrimination I have been subjected to in Strathclyde since returning to Scotland in 2001. I do believe they also object to the many videos I made on the subject of marijuana since 1986, the majority of them as ‘Will Smile’ in Glastonbury during 2000/2001. The character is cool, clear, intelligent and obviously honest, much more likely to be accepted and believed any younger folk than any spokesman for the London Lie Factory.

Anyway, all I really wanted to note is this rapidly approaching deadline enforces an urgent shift of priority from learning how to use the media on to communicating my important information now using whatever imperfect skills I have.

Errm, maybe one exception. If it doesn’t take more than say 12 hours, I want to learn how to stream video live on the web, so you can watch it on your Windows Media Player. Just to satisfy my ambition of many years, to have my own independent TV channel.

Maybe here or here or here. Or, if I can rapidly grasp HTML etc, I might embed the TV player in my Windows LIVE Spaces Blog. Or.............

My TV channel host?

About Me

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Professor Emeritus (Camster, Oxon) in Cannabinology, Erotology, Serendipity Para-Temporal Levitics, Media Arts & Celtic Zen Love Magic (ie: Tripping). I'm currently trying to connect all my internet material into one organic system - or "something like that". Oh, what larks!